Bad examples of Guideline 1.3 Adaptable

Example 1

Use of White Space

Transactions can be put online. Services cannot. Take, for example, the area of education. You can’t argue whether education can or cannot be put online. However there are hundreds of discrete transactions within education that can be evaluated, such as:

Suitable for online
                                    Not Suitable for Online

School place applications.                       Providing pastoral care.

Sending school report to parents.           Teaching classroom lessons.

Searching for educational material.

Example 2

Proper Forms

Click on the little red button in the bottom left corner to continue...

But first make sure you fill out the following form:

First name:
Social Insurance Number:
Last name:
Date of birth:
Current marital status: (This information may help us determine your eligibility for other benefits)
Preferred language for correspondence:
Pick a number: Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3
Pick a letter: Choice AChoice BChoice C

Note: Make sure you have filled out all the required fields

Example 3


Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow (Unaudited)
For the year ended March 31

(in thousands of dollars)

  2009 2008
Operating activities
Net cost of operations 2,296,145 2,002,440
Non cash items:
Amortization of tangible capital assets (Note 5) (440,120) (382,103)
Gain or loss on disposals / Adjustments of tangible capital assets (10,644) (154)
Services received without charge from other government departments (Note 12) (57,009) (53,767)
Economic gain on sale-leaseback 163,662
Variations in Consolidated Statement of Financial Position:
Increase in financial assets 35,151 25,568
Decrease in prepaid expenses (3,403) (1,035)
(Increase) decrease in liabilities other than lease obligation for tangible capital assets (212,558) 103,408
Cash used by operating activities 1,607,562 1,858,019
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