Exercise 5: Finding Sufficient techniques

25 Minutes
To apply your knowledge of the WCAG 2.0 structure by identifying which Success Criterion and which Sufficient Technique or Common Failure is applicable.
  1. Individually, read each scenario. Each scenario constitutes a failure to meet accessibility standards.
  2. Identify which principle, guideline and success criterion the scenario is failing using Principle 1 and 2.
  3. Under the matching success criterion, select a sufficient technique or common failure.
  4. If you have time remaining, identify a WET feature or other tool that can help prevent or remedy the failure.
  5. Be prepared to share your findings with rest of class.
  6. Exercise 5 Scenarios
    ScenarioPrinciple, Guideline, Success CriterionSufficient Technique and/or Common FailureWET Feature or Plug-in
    A sales chart is updated with October results, but the text alternative still describes the September results.
    A site’s navigation uses a custom script that relies only on mouse events to emulate links in a menu.
    A Web page timeouts and redirects the user without warning to a different page.
    A web page has a tabbed interface that automatically changes and has no means of stopping or pausing the changes.
    An agenda or schedule uses text content to simulate a table when viewed on screen.
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