Exercise 8: Principles 3 and 4 review

40 Minutes
Analyser les principes 3 et 4.
  1. Individually, read each scenario. Each scenario constitutes a failure to meet accessibility standards.
  2. Identify which success criterion the example fails and what sufficient technique can be used to remedy the failure.
  3. Be prepared to share your findings with rest of class.
  4. Exercise 8 Scenarios
    ScenarioSuccess CriterionSufficient Technique and/or Common Failure
    A form is automatically submitted when the user leaves the last field of a three-field telephone number form
    A form asking for a phone number is broken into a three separate areas. A Web page creates fixed-length text input fields for the three parts of the phone number, surrounding the first field with parentheses and separating the second and third fields with a dash. No other instructions are provided.
    A Web page includes the same series of links that are in a different order on two different pages.
    An online authoring tool uses a button labelled "Save Page" on one page and simply "Save" on another page. However, both buttons have the same function.
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